It can be quite nerve racking when you receive your first few calls from potential clients looking for more information. I remember the very first time someone called me, I was literally shaking because I was afraid I would mess up or sounds like I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm sure the person could tell since she never called back.
Almost immediately after I fielded that call, I put a folder by my computer that contained a few things that would help me should another Bride call with questions. I included a list of all the packages and services I offered along with the prices so I wouldn't misquote what I had on my website.
I also created a call log sheet which I then stuck a few copies of into the folder. This allowed me to remember to ask the questions I needed such as when they were looking to get married, what type of services they were interested, and their contact information should they call again.
Finally, I asked my friend to call me at random (when I wouldn't be expecting it) and pretend she was a Bride calling to ask about my services so I could practice what I would say and get feedback on what worked and what didn't. One week later I had my second call from a potential bride and gained a client! I was much more confident in what I wanted to say and get across, plus I remembered to ask the right questions so that I knew exactly what the Bride was looking for the next time she called.
It helps to practice, so the best thing to do is practice your "sales pitch" to a friend or family member who will be glad to give you the constructive criticism you need to become more confident and sound like you've been doing this job for years.
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